First blog

Well starting a new thing has always been a long procrastinating journey. But in the end, we just have to get up and accomplish it. As I am doing right now by writing this at 3 am in the morning.

Let’s start from the start

My inspiration

A pen is mightier than a sword!

I guess there were a lot of people to inspire me to start my own space for blogging. From senior developers like Kushal Das to outstanding peers like Rahul Jha and amazing juniors like Prajjwal Nijhara and Prateek Jain. Even though it was only about their websites that intrigued me because I have been writing in my diaries/notepads whenever I needed to relieve myself from a mind-bothering idea. But then writing it in a public domain is totally a different thing. It is more about making clear points about the topic and not just blurting out the chaos from your mind. So to learn this art, I picked a blogging Jekyll-theme online and started it all.

P.S: Do make your reading comfortable by trying the dual-mode of the website from the top-left corner of the website

The topics I may pen down:

Note: The categories may change with respect to time due to any reasons.

1.Technology: I’m a computer engineering student and my writings wil be about my learnings in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence, and self-driving vehicles. This may be in the form of experiences or tutorials.

2.General psychology: I have been interested in the human mind and how does it take actions consciously and/or subconsciously. I have been reading books like The Power of the Subconscious Mind and The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in Tech World. So most probably I may be discussing about my observations about actions in this world from different prespective.

3.Politics: I’ve had become active on Twitter (my handle) since my university started being targetted by media houses and political parties in 2018. Since then my mind has been picking up a lot of topics with the constant unrest in the country. Here I’ll express my views about the topics, and anyone is welcome for having a logical discussion on it.

To know more about me

If you want to know more about me, please do check out my main website

Do check out the contact page to connect with me on different platforms.

Thank you and see you soon!

updated_at 08-05-2020